What is the meaning of clustering a product?

Clustering, in the context of CE marking, refers to grouping products. When there are multiple models of the same product which are manufactured with the same components, purpose and the intended use of the products are similar, these products can be clustered. This means that the most complex model is fully CE marked and then the other models will be CE marked on the basis of the CE marking of the first model.


Advantages of clustering

Clustering is often based on the fact that similar products are subject to the same or very similar EU directives or regulations. This means that they can undergo conformity assessment processes collectively.

When products are clustered, they can often share Technical Documentation, test results, and other relevant data. This reduces redundancy in paperwork and simplifies the CE marking process.

Therefore, the main advantage of clustering is that the costs (for the clustered models) are lower.

Clustering and Compliance

It’s crucial to emphasize that clustering does not undermine safety or regulatory adherence. Products within a cluster must still meet the necessary safety and performance standards, but the process is streamlined thanks to shared documentation and testing procedures. To facilitate your ability to cluster products while ensuring compliance, our team of experts is readily available to assist you. Don’t hesitate to contact us for guidance and support.


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