Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU

Published on: 20 October 2023

Due to the rapid developments in communication equipment and unclear provisions in the current legislation, the European Commission has made a proposal in the end of 2012 for an amendment of the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC (R& TTE) resulting in an agreement in 2014. The R&TTE Directive is replaced by the new Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/ EU (RED) and will officially enter into force on June 13th, 2016 within the European Union.

Differences between the R&TTE and the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

The RED is broader and clearer, and includes new features that operators must take into account. The main differences can be found below:

  • Terminal equipment does not fall within the scope of the RED.
  • Radio and television broadcasts, which were explicitly excluded from the R&TTE, now fall within the scope of the RED.
  • The RED Directive does not restrict the protection of health and safety to only people, but will be extended to domestic animals. Although this was also the case in the R&TTE, it is now explicitly mentioned in the RED.
  • The RED is applicable to radio equipment which intentionally receives or transmits radio waves for the purpose of communication and radio-determination, irrespective of the primary function of the equipment.
  • Radio-determination also falls within the scope of the RED; by means of the release of radio waves, the position can be determined.
  • The RED applies to radio equipment operating at frequencies below 3000 GHz. In contrary to the R&TTE, the RED is also applicable to radio equipment which operate under the 9 kHz.
  • Radio equipment covered by the RED, is not subject to the Low Voltage Directive and EMC Directive; the essential requirements of those Directives are covered by the essential requirements of the RED.
  • Another requirement from the RED Directive is that the radio equipment needs to demonstrate the performance of its receiver part, as well as its transmitter, as both are considered to affect the efficient and effective use of the spectrum. This means, that there are also requirements for recipients.

Obligations of the manufacturer mentioned in the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

The obligations of manufacturers, Authorised Representatives, importers and distributors are clearly indicated in RED. Additionaly, there are requirements for the label/packaging as the name and address of the economic operator, who is responsible for placing the product on the market, must affix their name and address on the equipment.

Certification Experts

Our experts are specialised in supporting companies with European product legislation. We provide our expertise to designers, manufacturers, exporters, importers, distributors and various other organizations and individuals in order to ensure that they meet all requirements needed for compliance with European Union Product legislation, International Regulations and regulatory affairs. Please feel free to contact us, if we can be of any service.

About the author
Rebecca Brust

Marketing & Sales Coördinator

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